To provide software that meets your needs, customer feedback is always at the center of our product decisions. Great ideas from customers like you help us achieve our shared goal of improving patient care and practice workflows.


How it works 

Sharing your feedback is simple! 

1) Identify pain points or problems faced by your organization that RXNT’s software does not currently help you solve. 

2) Navigate to the “Share Your Ideas!” tab in the Help Center to share your feedback with the RXNT Product Team. 

3) You will be asked to select the RXNT product your idea applies to. 

4) You will be asked a series of questions to help the RXNT Product Team understand your idea and the problem it solves for your organization.


A few guidelines

  • The “Share Your Ideas!” portal does not replace the customer support tools available to you. Please only add enhancements and new feature requests.  
  • The portal is for constructive recommendations, so please use  appropriate language and positive comments. Constructive feedback is the most effective way to communicate your wants and needs.


What you can expect from us

  • All ideas will be reviewed by our team of Product experts within 10 business days. 
  • If we have questions about your idea, one of our Product experts will reach out directly for clarification. 
  • Not every idea can be implemented immediately or at all, but you can be sure that your requests are considered when we make decisions about the product. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I submitted an idea, how long will it take the team to review it?

A: The team will review your idea within 10 business days. Please note that a review of your idea does not guarantee that we will implement your idea or provide you a timeline. It does, however, guarantee that your feedback will be considered when planning for the RXNT product roadmap. 

Q: I submitted an idea over six months ago, what should I do to make sure I hear back about it?

A: You can always contact if you have questions. But the “What’s New” section in the Help Center is where you will find the most up-to-date information on new features and functionality.