Capability Capability Description Costs or Fees
Types of costs or fees that a user may be required to pay to purchase, license, implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of the implementation or use of the capability OR in connection with the data generated in the course using the capability.
170.315 (a)(1): Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Medications Grants a user the ability to record, change, and access medication orders electronically. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(2): CPOE - Laboratory Grants a user the ability to record, change, and access laboratory orders electronically. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(3): CPOE - Diagnostic Imaging Grants a user the ability to record, change, and access diagnostic imaging orders electronically. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(4): Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE Enables the intervention and indication of drug-drug and drug-allergy contraindications when placing electronic orders, based on a patient’s medication list and medication allergy. This includes the ability to manage the severity level of the interventions. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(5): Demographics Grants a user the ability to record, change, and access a patient’s demographic data in accordance with defined standards. This includes race, ethnicity, preferred language, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and date of birth. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(9): Clinical Decision Support Enables CDS intervention interactions electronically based on specific patient characteristics. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.

170.315 (a)(12): Family Health History

Grants a user the ability to record, change, and access a patient's family health history in accordance with the familial concepts or expressions.

IMO Problem Technology: This functionality provides access to up-to-date ICD-10 coding used to record family health history

The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (a)(14): Implantable Device List Grants a user the ability to oversee a patient’s implantable devices. Users can record Unique Device Identifiers along with their associated descriptions and identifiers. In addition, users can obtain information from the Global Unique Device Identification Database. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (b)(1): Transitions of Care Grants a user the ability to create, send, receive, validate, and display transitions of care and referral summaries in accordance with specified data classes.

Direct email service through RosettaHealth is required for full usage of this functionality.
There is a monthly subscription charge for direct email service.
170.315 (b)(2): Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation Grants a user the ability to match the correct patient to a received transition of care or referral summary and reconcile the patient’s medications, allergies
and intolerances, and problems with any pre-existing data.
The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (b)(3): Electronic Prescribing Grants a user the ability to perform electronic prescribing transactions under specifications listed in NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Implementation Guide, Version 2017071.

Surescripts allows for the electronic transmission of medications.
The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (b)(3): Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Grants a user the ability to perform electronic prescribing transactions of controlled substances under specifications listed in NCPDP SCRIPT Standard Implementation Guide, Version 2017071.

Surescripts,, and Thales Group; are used for the electronic transmission of controlled substances.
There is an annual subscription charge for electronic prescribing of controlled substances.
170.315 (b)(6): Data Export Grants a user the ability to create export summaries for patients based on a specific time range in accordance with the Continuity of Care document template. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315(b)(10): Electronic Health Information export Grants a user the ability to export the Electronic Health Information of a single patient, or their entire population of patients in the EHR. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (c)(1): Clinical Quality Measures - Record and Export Grants a user the ability to record all of the data required to calculate each CQM and to export a data file in accordance with QRDA. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (c)(3): Clinical Quality Measures - Report

Grants a user the ability to create data files for transmission of CQM data for which this product is certified in accordance with QRDA. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization The technology will verify a user’s access rights through unique identifiers for entry to the product and electronic health information. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance

The audit log will record actions, audit log status, and encryption status of electronic health information. In addition, any auditable action will not be able to be overwritten, changed, or deleted by the technology. Alterations will be detected by the technology. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)

Grants a user the ability to create an audit report sorted by time-period or entry type. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(4): Amendments Grants a user the ability to select the record affected by a patient’s request for amendment and amend or deny any amendments to the selected records. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out Technology will inhibit user access to electronic health information after a set amount of time and will require the user to reauthenticate to access the electronic health information again. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(6): Emergency Access Grants access to an identified set of users to electronic health information during an emergency. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(7): End-User Device Encryption The technology prevents end-user devices from storing electronic health information. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(8): Integrity The technology creates a message digest in accordance with SHA-2 standard and verifies upon receipt of electronically exchanged health information that such information has not been altered. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (d)(9): Trusted Connection The technology enables the establishment of trusted connections, encrypts, and integrity protects content at the message and the transport level. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.

170.315 (d)(12): Encrypt Authentication Credentials

The technology encrypts stored authentication credentials.

The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.

170.315 (d)(13): Multi-Factor Authentication 


The technology authenticates the user’s identity through multiple elements.

Thales Group is used for 2FA for EPCS.

There is an annual subscription charge for
electronic prescribing of controlled substances.
170.315 (e)(1): View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party

Grants a user, or their authorized representative, the ability to view, download, and transmit their electronic health information. This includes the common clinical data set, provider name/office contact, lab test reports, diagnostic image reports, assessment and plan of treatment, goals, health concerns, and unique device identifier(s) for a
patient’s implantable device(s) to a third party in accordance with specified standards. Users can also sort data by specific dates or date ranges and access a history log of recorded information related to the above capabilities.

Direct email service through RosettaHealth is optional for transmitting EHI.
The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.

There is a monthly subscription charge for direct email service, if needed.
170.315 (e)(3): Patient Health Information Capture Grants a user the ability to identify, record, and access information directly and electronically shared by a patient or authorized representative, and reference and link to patient health information
The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (f)(1): Transmission to Immunization Registries The technology creates immunization information for electronic transmission in accordance with the HL7 2.5.1 standard. HealthcareXchange provides connectivity to immunization registries. There is a one-time setup fee and a monthly subscription fee for immunization registry reporting.

170.315(f)(5): Transmission to public health agencies - electronic case reporting


Grants a user the ability to connect with their state's public health agency for the automatic generation and transmission of a case report containing different reportable conditions added to an Encounter. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(2): Automated Measure Calculation The technology will record the numerators and denominators, and create a report which includes the numerator, denominator, and resulting percentage associated with each applicable measure. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design Outlines the user-centered design that the product’s certified functionality must adhere to where specified. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System For each certified capability, a quality management system (QMS) is used in their development, testing, implementation, and maintenance. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design The Health IT utilizes accessibility-centered design standard or law in the development, testing, implementation, and maintenance of certified the certified capability. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation

Details the technical and performance outcomes that are required related to Consolidated CDA creation. This includes reference C-CDA match, document-template conformance, vocabulary conformance, and completeness verification. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(7): Application Access - Patient Selection Details the technical outcomes and conditions that must be met through the demonstration of an application programming interface for patient selection. This includes functional requirements and documentation. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (g)(9): Application Access - All Data Request

Details the technical outcomes and conditions that must be met through the demonstration of applicable FHIR R4 APIs for patient data, the common clinical data set, assessment and plan of treatment, goals, health concerns, and unique device identifier(s) for a patient’s implantable device(s). This includes functional requirements and documentation. The cost for this functionality is included in the base price of RXNT EHR.
170.315 (h)(1): Direct Project Allows for the sending and receiving of electronic health information in accordance with the specified ONC standards.
Direct email service through RosettaHealth is required for full usage of this functionality.
There is a monthly subscription charge for direct mail.